Today was a lazy day, this morning I had my breakfast and then fired up the TV for a morning of watching the inauguration ceremonies in Washington. Dennis and Denice http://dennisdenices2009wintervacation.blogspot.com/ came over to help me moderate the show. Not that anyone else was interested in my comments but it was quite a spectacle. Some 42,500 security folks keeping an estimated crowd of 1,000,000 folks in line. Sure hope this fellow can live up to his billings or their will be a lot of disappointed folks. As a Canadian it is not really my concern but we are the United States biggest trading partners and share about 4,000 miles of border with them so I sure hope he can do all he is expected too.
After recovering from the morning of watching the tube I spent most of the afternoon reading a book and enjoying the peace and quiet. Also managed to talk to Matt about things that are happening back home.
Then I thought I better get moving before the sloth-like lifestyle gets to feeling normal. I went into town and braved the crowd to have a look around the Flea Market again. Nothing caught my eye except the flagpoles but I can't decide which one I want or need so left empty handed. Then I thought I'd have a look down in the Roadrunner 14 day area for the Bayfield Bunch. Al had given a pretty good description of their spot on his blog "http://thebayfieldbunch.com/" this morning and I managed to drive right to their doorstep. I introduced myself and we sat for a while and chewed the fat exchanging stories about great places we had found to camp in the SW and talking about our various interests. Time flew by and pretty soon it was dark and I thought I better head back to my own camp and check out what the Obama's were up to this evening.
John - Please accept my sincere sympathy in the sudden death of your brother. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. If there is anything at all that I can do please feel free to contact me.
Jenny J
I have not had the opportunity to follow the news in the last week, but I am relieved to know that the current government will remain in Canada. The proposed replacement for Mr Harper would have been a disaster for the country and her people, in my humble opinion. When given some time to think things over, most folks make the right decision in the end.