Once I got back I took a couple of the horses, Hank and Rosie, for a little workout. Hank is a character who is always up to something when he is with the others but he was great today. Stepped right out and left his buddies behind just like he was supposed to. And Rosie is always a gentle soul but she doesn’t like to leave the others either so a little practice was in order. It was a beautiful day for a ride. After I got done that part of the day we took the Jeep into Cochrane to get it serviced and a recall on the transmission looked after while it was in there. That done we popped into Safeway for a few groceries, first time I have been in a grocery store since we got home. I believe Brenda has got the hang of shopping without me by her side again though…….LOL!!
Tuesday we ran back into Cochrane to pick up the Jeep and I took the old couch and chair to Paul’s house. They will find a use for it somewhere either at home or at their rental property. I saw Luke and Annika while I was there, I think those kids grow a foot every time I see them. After a short visit with Paul I headed back out to Cremona for dinner. Brenda had gotten home and it appears that the Cochrane Dodge folks had spilled oil into the belly pan as it is dripping out all over the garage.
Wednesday was a working in the yard kind of day. I managed to get the lawns all mowed for the first time this season. Good to get them evened up and the leftover leaves from the fall all picked up so we can start the water, fertilize, mow cycle all over again. Also managed to get some of the paddocks drug so the mole hills are flattened and the manure is broken up and can help with the fertilizing, and then I recontoured the dirt around old Dolly’s gravesite and reseeded some grass there. Dolly was a horse we had here for her whole life (34 years) and had to say farewell to a couple of years back.

Wednesday evening we headed over to the Water Valley Saloon for “Wing Night”, it’s been a few years since we had been there but not much has changed. While there we saw Kathy and Mike Overton and Jennine Anderson.
Thursday we ran the Jeep back into Cochrane Dodge. The aforementioned leak of old oil has changed from a sloppy job to something wrong and we were down a quart. There is oil all over our driveway and garage floor so those of you who know Brenda know just how happy that made her. She left the Dodge dealer with a can of cleaner guaranteed to remove oil from concrete, or they will come and shampoo the farm to get rid of all the stains. Being a little OCD is not always a bad thing. While they were fixing the oil leak (broken cap?) we ran into the city to have a look around. Wrong thing to do, we came home with a new 40” TV and an Ipod Touch. Pretty expensive oil change now!! LOL!! But after spending the winter watching our 42” TV in the motorhome our 27” one in the house looked pretty small. And the TV in the basement had quit so we had all the reasoning lined up to buy a new one.
Just note about our Sprint card though, we woke up Thursday morning and our internet had left the country. I called the 3G Store where we bought our equipment and they walked me through some things to determine the issue. Once we determined that it was not equipment but appeared to be a network issue they sent me on to the Sprint Help Line. After remembering my friend Joe’s experience with his Verizon card it was with much trepidation that I dialled that number. I was sure I was heading on a long distance trip to somewhere in the Far East, where many of the help centres are located, and what with my limited computer skills and those folks accents I usually just get more frustrated and the problem seems a lot more difficult. Imagine my surprise when a fellow with a Texas drawl answered the phone. Now there are some language issues there too but after Brenda and I participated in the immersion class at Kerrville last winter I have a pretty decent handle on those southerners peculiarities. Kinda of ironic how Joe’s Help line took him all the way over to India to get his card fixed and my Sprint card gave me a good old boy who maybe was just across the trailer park from him in Texas.
Friday I ran into town to pick up some shirts and a few things for the weekend, even made a trip to the Apple Store for a surprise gift. I went by my Mom’s and took her out to lunch at the Golf Club. We had a good visit and then it was back to the farm, I had some horses to ride. I took Hank for a spin and then a short ride on Rosie. Hank is doing well but I don’t think he is ever going to be a kids horse. Too stubborn and needs a firm hand to deal with that. Rosie is a jewel though, not a mean bone and although she doesn’t like to leave the others if you insist she will go. Matt, Michelle, Claire and Madison are out for the weekend to work in their garden and enjoy the farm life.

It sure is nice to see the kids out here enjoying the farm every weekend.
Saturday was just another day, ride some horses, do a few things around the yard, and oh yah, get a sneak preview of the new baby. Now that was exciting, modern technology is amazing, not only can you have a look at the baby, but they can stream the video right into our living room out here in the country. Not to many years ago women in this neighbourhood were having their children right in the home, now we have jumped into the 21st century and have all the modern conveniences now. I will include a picture of the baby that I stole off the internet. Yep, it’s really our grandchild and he/she is already an internet star.

Saturday night we went into the city to help celebrate the marriage of one of our friends daughter, Mrs. Bobbi Woodward. Now this was a terrifying moment for me, I'm not much of a dancer and dancing with a beautiful woman in a long gown is even more worrisome. What if I take the wrong step and rip that beautiful dress. Oh well, I worried for naught no one noticed my clumsy two step, their eyes were on my partner and I didn't step on the dress. Just slid my feet along the floor though, not taking any chances.

Mother’s Day started off with a bang here, for the last week or so Brenda has been cursing Bill Gates and his Internet Explorer. I thought what can I do for this wonderful woman that is taken for granted all the time. Well I ain’t much at cooking or cleaning and when it comes to crafts I have no skills, so I thought the one thing I can do pretty well is exercise my Visa and a couple of days ago I headed into the Apple Store and bought her a ticket out of Mr. Gates’ world. So far it seems to be working fine and I can honestly say I have not monopolized it. It is hers and hers alone. Maybe someday I’ll catch up but for now I have two PC’s to keep me out of trouble. It broke beautiful and sunny here with very little wind so we caught Rosie and Blue and Brenda and I went for a ride around the neighbourhood. Now you have all been listening to my blabbering about riding every day but today was Brenda’s first ride in about 2 years. Last year was a little busy for us and she just never got around to it, but we are heading to the Yaha Tinda towards the end of the week so thought she had better stretch out some muscles before we go. It sure was nice to have her beside me on horseback again.