Friday, November 10, 2023

Out and About

Today we decided it was time to renew old acquaintances, a few years back, February of 2018, we crashed the party at Lorne and Sue's hangout north of Apache Junction, today we thought if was time to go back and finish the job. We sat in the sun telling some stories and chatting about life in an RV and all the people we know in common, bloggers all. And while we were there Riley and Deb from a A Long and Lonesome Highway joined the group. It was nice to finally meet them in person after following their blog for years.
As usual my people picturin' skills were sadly lacking and I didn't get any photos of either bunch, to busy telling stories Brenda said. She was probably right, it is not often anymore that I run into folks polite enough to not get up and wander off while I am telling stories. It never fails to amaze us how comfortable it is sitting with folks who we never really see very often or even ever at all. Reading their blogs/journals has given a window into their lives that is rare in this day and age.
The shot above was taken once again from the front steps of Dogpound Anywhere (DPA) and the sun was just starting its morning ascent, while the moon was lingering a little longer. Out of frame is Jupiter which was almost as prominent in that morning sky. I was just heading out on my daily wander through the desert, when I caught this one.
A couple of looks at one of the washes I wander down on my journey. And below is a shot from DPA's steps once we got home from our visit this afternoon.
And if this works here is a Time-lapse of the sunset here at DPA this evening.
And if it doesn't work, well it is pretty cool anyway, this phone continues to amaze me.


  1. It was fun wasn't it. Thanks so much for coming to visit and the sunset was awesome!!

  2. It was great meeting you and Brenda, I thought your stories were great, of course I haven’t heard any before either. Lol . Great pics, I love the views.


  3. Love that moon shot, we had the same incredible view of it here in South Dakota the other night as well!

  4. Hello. This was my time reading your blog. I looked back a couple of days. You posted some awesome photos. Looking forward to following your travels. Oh....I found the name of your blog from Deb from The Rock.
