Sunday, November 5, 2023

Hot, Hot, Hot

And that is the reason most folks come to the desert. But if you have CRPS, as Brenda does, it is not always a good thing. CRPS reacts to cold, and to hot, both causing flares so finding a happy medium is sometimes a challenge. And hot weather like it is here today is nowhere near that zone of comfort. Now we can move around the site and find cooler places with the breeze, but sometimes even that doesn't work that well. Our rig can deal with cold a lot better than it deals with heat. Our solar system runs the furnace quite handily but Air Conditioning is another matter entirely, not to mention the fact that another trigger is noise, and anyone who uses RV Air Conditioners knows that if you want it to cool things off, it is going to be roaring away up on the roof.
I have missed my time in the swimming pool for the past couple of months, September is a maintenance month for the Spray Lakes pool I usually swim in and that last until just days before we pulled out on our southward migration this year. And laziness has taken care of the rest of the days since, but today I harkened back to a time a dozen or so years ago when we first came to this spot. Back in those times walking was my exercise of choice so I thought I would go for a little walkabout this morning. The desert is a great place to walk, you can basically go where you want, and change course whenever you like. I wandered about the desert for an hour or so and covered about 3 miles, so we will see how my old knees hold up over time. Some shots from my walkabout.
And today was the final day of the Canadian Finals Rodeo so that occupied most of my afternoon, I found a shady spot in the cool to enjoy a little outdoor rodeo time.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear of the health issues, hopefully you will find the spot that works well for those issues.

