Thursday, November 9, 2023

Lazy Days

I like to begin another lazy day in the desert with a little walkabout and some picturin' and try to take a different route each and every day. it is great to explore all the hills and crevasses of this landscape and do what Canon calls Exploring of Light. It is incredible how things change as the sun comes up, and again as it goes down, although I am rarely out wandering about at sunset. Not sure if I could find my way home in the dark. In my picturin' career I have always had the inclination to lean towards big landscapes or wildlife, but here I am gaining an appreciation for how the light plays on small things, rocks, trees, and small plants, although I guess yesterdays shots of the Milky Way don't really qualify as small.
Well, it is, they estimate that the Milky Way only has about a billion stars in it, of which, ours is a pretty minor one. Other larger galaxies, like Andromeda, are estimated to have over a trillion, yes with a "T", stars in them and some folks estimate there could be at least two trillion galaxies in the Universe. So in retrospect we are pretty small potatoes in the whole scheme of things.
Andromeda is visible with the naked eye from earth in fact it is just above Jupiter right now and to the left, and appears as a blur on the edge of the Milky Way. I am no astronomer but I think this is it outlined here, Jupiter is just off the frame to the right.
Well wasn't that a rabbit hole I have led you down, almost on the scale of a galactic black hole, but that is a story for another time so back to my wanderings about the desert here down the road from Dogpound.
And why am I wandering about the desert every day, while primarily because I love walking out there, but somewhat because of the good eats we get here everyday at Dogpound Anywhere. Quesadilla's today.


  1. Your picturin' had great results, both of the landscapes and the stars! They skies are so clear down there, making the stars really stand out.

  2. That first picture is beautiful. Lazy Days are the best!
