Monday, November 13, 2023

Doing Chores

Today was laundry day for Dogpound Anywhere, it is a pretty efficient operation here though, four loads, sorted, washed, dried, folded and stowed back away with clean bedding put on, including the almost 50 minutes of drive time it took just a few minutes longer than two hours start to finish. And until about 20 minutes ago that was my only picture for the day.
Not sure what the attraction was but it was a multi-species mob scene there in front of the laundry. But what looked like a pretty blah sunset tonight surprised us at the last minute with a pretty spectacular show of colour as Ol' Sol slipped off into the west.
And then I captured this while the iPhone was doing the time-lapse above.
Oh and today I had to restock my meds, that took about 10 minutes, but let me know we had been on the road for 4 weeks already. Time flys when you are having fun I guess.


  1. I just knew with all those clouds there would be a great sunset. We missed it inside eating at Silly Al's. Thanks for sharing. Looking at your post from yesterday, I see a two headed snake and a very spiky dragon. Yes, I do see things differently but it is

    1. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, well, that is what they say anyway.

  2. Wonderful sunset pic! Ah laundry, a necessary evil!

