Saturday, October 21, 2023

Chillin' at the Big Ditch

Well we got settled in here at our new location just down the road from the Grandview Tower. The road in the park down to the Forestry boundary was a challenge, full of holes, rough, and lots of overhanging branches that necessitate a kind of bobbing and weaving to get this old Solitude in here that we didn't have to do with the much lower Living Quarters horse trailer that we were traveling in the last time we came in here. But if we had of had horses I would have been real tempted to unload them it was that rough. As it was I could see Brenda wincing everytime we rolled one way or the other, just thinking about what was happening to her cupboards back in the trailer. The weather is about perfect though, warm enough in the daytime that we could wear shorts and cools off quickly as the sun goes down, so we are not needing the AC, which when we are off grid is a good thing. Apparently our Starlink is working fine or maybe I am just sending these epistles off into the vast unknown to never be seen again. I was doing a little focus stacking around camp today and once I processed the shot below I was able to see something that I didn't actually see when I took the shots that comprised it. Sometimes the camera sees things the eye doesn't and this is probably where the rumours about Bigfoot started, although I didn't know he roamed this far south.
Today I got going early enough to wander about and watch the daylight come over the Canyon. Not a great sunrise, but the canyon itself is a epic place and watching the light play across the nooks and crannies of that was amazing. The spot I went to was not to crowded, one photographer there, a fellow, Les Wentworth, from Washington state. I am sure he got some nice shots and I know he shared some tips with me, as he took them. Other than that excursion, that I was back from before 9AM, I never left camp and Brenda spent the entire day chillin' around camp.
I am going to have to take more pictures as it appears the only way to have more than one paragraph in this old Blogger program anymore is to insert an image in between each blurb. Oh, and by the way Willie, I ran into Doug and Sue from Tunkwa along the road on the way into our camp this morning.