Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Another Grand Day at the Canyon

They are never just another day at the Grand Canyon, the scenery is spectacular and the weather is cooling off a little here. We are thinking about pulling up stakes in a day or two and heading down the road again. Our welcome and our permit run out here on Thursday at Sunset so we are thinking we will find a spot over on the Markham Pass road to hang out for a few days then.
This morning I ran over to the Grandview Point to see what I could stir up for a sunrise shot. There haven't been a lot of clouds in the sky here the last few days so the Canyon and the colours down in there have been taking the big part of the picturin' load. There are only a couple of viewpoints that I haven't haunted over the last 4 or 5 days either for sunrise or sunset, or maybe just a mid-day visit.
This evening I went back to the East to Moran Point and got a little more cloud action there. Other than the usual picturin' I spent an hour or so overhauling my Braid Nailer so that I can refasten some trim pieces that have decided they needed to come loose on the rough road into our present location. I have ony drive about 50 nails with it but it seems to need a good lubricating and all I had was a little WD40 silicone spray and some engine oil so that is what she got. It is working better, not perfect, but at least it is driving the odd nail now.

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