Monday, October 25, 2010

Now that is Winter.


Well as I figured that rain last night turned sneaky and left us with a fairly good clue that winter is coming. We are taking it serious but we are not ready to roll south just yet. There are still a few things left to do and today one of them will be out of the way once the blinds in the house are installed. They look pretty good, once again Brenda has hit the spot between my wide open look and her window treatments.

Here are a few shots of the winter wonderland we have around here today.


But we can at least pretend that we are ready to roll so everything is hooked up and ready.


Too bad I am just taking it into town to get a new windshield and dump the tanks and OH YAH, fill the propane, we just might need some over the next 8 or 10 days. But visions of warmer places will keep us on track.

Palo Duro Canyon 2007

Palo Duro Canyo in November 2007


  1. It's looking like you need to be on your way south! I would absolutely hate living in that in an RV. Glad you guys have the fortitude!

  2. It's looking prett chilly. Where will you go for the winter? Travel safe.

  3. Now that is beautiful!

    (I love to see snow, on someone else's pictures :~)))

  4. I agree with Gypsy. Snow is nice to look at as long as you don't have to be in it! Time to hit the road, Jack! :)

  5. You're right... It does look like ND! Definitely time to be heading south.

  6. Ugly! White stuff, ugly! Time to head out of Dogpound before it's too late!

  7. ACK ACK ACK! I sure didn't need to open your blog to see THAT this morning!

    It just reminds me of being trapped up here in Wisconsin for 2 more winters. Geesh

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  8. OMG snow already! Glad we are in Florida with sunshine and palm trees. Quick, head south! Sorry to read that you need a windshield. We had two chips repaired in the past year.
