Thursday, November 9, 2023

Days and Nights

Not a lot of exciting stuff happening today. The weather cooled off a little. It is more comfortable for Brenda for sure, but it portends a trend that I fear might be hard to stop. For a kid from north of the Medicine Line coooling trends to bring up that ancestral fear of WINTER, so there is that. Let's just hope whomever is controlling our climate conspiracies these days doesn't get carried away with this cooling phase to quickly. All things in moderation. I continued my morning visit with the desert today, so got a few shots that I will share with you on that ramble.
I head out early, usually just before sunrise and it is all about the way the light plays on the landscape that makes the place so beautiful.
Well, that and seeing new places, or the same old places from a new perspective.
I have taken to just carrying my phone with me on my wanderings, getting old I guess, and the big old lens are heavy and cumbersome, and the new phones take pretty decent pictures, especially for this format, where size doesn't really matter. But curiousity drove me to crack out my Canon and tripod last evening and shoot a little bit of the Milky Way. Now the Canon still does a better job for full size images but that little iPhone does a pretty decent job even of night shooting for sharing here on the interwebs.
The image above was shot with my iPhone 15, while the one below was with my Canon R5, both with similar post processing although not identical.
Although you can't really see it here the Canon image survives enlarging it better than the iPhone, but how many of us blow up our shots and hang them anymore anyway. Oh by the way, those little specks of light you see, our sun is just another one of them, not even a significant one, and we are just standing on a little rock traveling around that tiny speck. to lend a little perspective to the whole thing.


  1. Fantastic shots, no matter which device I use. I have decided to just use my phone camera instead of replacing my Nikon. Lighter, easier and except for a few occasions just as good for my purposes.


    1. I am not sure I will get that far, but I do like not packing the Canon on my morning walks.

  2. I've become one of those people who I never thought I would be--I use the iPhone 13 almost exclusively for photos but never thought I could take night sky photos with it! Great photos John!

    1. The night mode is pretty slick, and a whole lot easier to figure out than the old manual Canon.

  3. Great pictures! I do enjoy how the sun light creates such beautiful shadows on the desert floor as it makes its way up in the early morning.
