Friday, November 24, 2023

Another Desert Day

Once again we didn't do anything worth writing about, a wander about the desert, a couple of great meals, and a picture or two of my friends the hummingbirds. Over the last couple of days there has been a few more rigs showing up in our neighbourhood, but none within our comfort zone, which is great.
Above is a look at our spot here. Although we have to share it with two or three hummingbirds and a coyote that comes by in the night, it is a pretty great spot to hide out from the winter weather back home.
Other than a picture or two of this little rooster that posed for my camera, I pretty much let the little speedsters come and go unbothered today, even hummingbirds get tired of being pictured all the time I bet. But they did gobble up a bunch of food on their visits here to see us.
We think this is an Anna's hummingbird but whatever he is he is a pretty little critter.


  1. Hummingbirds are pretty little creatures. From your picture that looks like you two found a lovely spot.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, and yes it is a nice spot.

  2. No takers yet at my feeder near Q. You must be feeding them too well down there!

    1. Took a day or two here for them to show up.
