Monday, October 16, 2023

A Little Further Down the Road from Dogpound

Early to bed last night so early to rise this morning. We wanted to stop at Duty Free to pick up some smokes for Brenda so we arrived at the crack of 7AM there. They were better than 50% off from the normal price at home, so she was a happy camper. Then it was off to see the Customs fellow at Sweetgrass to see if there were going to let us in this time. No problem he said, just make sure you take your wife home with you when you go next spring. Didn’t ask about food, or much of anything, except for weapons, but being lawful citizens all ours are locked up in the gun safes for the winter. We will have to depend on an overdose of pepper spray for our personal safety should that become an issue. We had a beautiful sunrise over the Sweetgrass Hills to welcome us to Montana,
and then it was off down I-15 for a long day of driving. What with the weather being good we were able to stay right on the Interstate and not take the Whitehall cut-off that avoids the high country north of Butte when there is inclement weather. We fueled up in Great Falls, Dillon and here at Fort Hall, Idaho where we are enjoying the hospitality of the Shoshone-Bannock people in their RV Park for the night. They have a nice facility here and although we usually find a spot to boondock somewhere enroute it was a long day on the road and probably not worth wandering around to save a few bucks.

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