Tuesday, April 16, 2013

In a Land just North of Summer

Really, since we have got back north of the Medicine Line we have enjoyed an extended period of winter like weather. I guess maybe wintering at Dogpound South has made us soft but even though the temps have not been terribly cold it seems like it has snowed every day since we got home. But the forecast is for warmer weather and maybe even some of those mystical April showers. That should get the snow knocked down and make it a little more spring like here down the road from Dogpound. I haven’t done much riding but the horses are enjoying their time off and making the most of their freedom.


We kept them in for a couple of days and then turned them out with the rest of the remuda, so it is time for them to just be horses and do a little pawing through that snow for their fed. Don’t worry those that were here all winter are much fatter than our hand fed southern ponies so I am sure they are doing just fine, and I do walk down every day just to make sure all is well. And now that the weather is turning around I will be able to start working with some of our northern horses, to start getting them in shape for the summer.

But we didn’t head home just to make sure we got a little snow and salt all over our vehicles. Our, daughter and son-in-law, Lacey and Clayton, were heading to Cuba to celebrate Lace’s 30th birthday so a couple of little girls were looking for a place to hang out till their parents came home and Grandma and I are glad to have them here. Although looking after two kids under 4 is keeping us hopping I have to say. Well, really, Brenda is hopping, and I am just trying to stay out of the way for the most part.

We are having a riot with the girls and should have them well and properly spoiled by the time their parents get home.

On other fronts I am back at my regular pool and doing 2500 meters (~a mile and a half) five days a week, and both Brenda and I are heading into battery of tests and doctors appointments over the next couple of weeks so we can get that out of the way before it is time to head back to Dogpound South.

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  1. It's good that you don't mind the snow. I prefer never to experience it again. ;)

  2. I feel your pain--it has snowed here every day since we arrived on Saturday. But, we are so enjoying being home it doesn't matter!! Those babies are simply adorable--those beautiful eyes!

  3. Oh, that photo of Brenda and the girls - CHARMING!

  4. We admire you guys for being full time tenders of the grands..... More energy than we usually have.. for sure.

    How has Wink settled with her new stable and padock mates? Hope she has found her place in the herd..

  5. Cute, beautiful looking little Grands for sure! Brenda sure looks happy holding them.

    Although the winter scenes in your photos look great, I'm just as glad all we had here on the left coast is the green, green grass of home.

  6. I certainly do not miss the snow, but it sure looks pretty in the pictures. Not nearly as pretty as Brenda and the girls though!

  7. Great picture of those three beauties! Good job spoiling them rotten, that's what grandparents are made for. ;c)

  8. Cute photos with the grand kids. Yesiree.....spoil them good before handing them back. Although a great time had, we know you two will enjoy the new found freedom once their mom and dad return.

    Sure seems like winter is dragging on well into spring in Alberta and other Provinces. We are pretty well routine here with intermittent sun between rains.
