Saturday, October 29, 2011

Doing what Needs Doing

We have been just keeping on, keeping on, around Dogpound South the last couple of days. Not sure where the time goes but it seems like we are busy all the time that we are not sleeping. Our Millenicom air card is not the quickest we have ever had here either, so we are awaiting a Century Link DSL hookup next week, they had a plan where we can start and stop it when we head back to Dogpound North so we are signed up. It has been about 10 years since we have had a fast internet hookup so we are looking forward to that.

We have been trying to round up some required (by Brenda) furniture for our place here so have been on the road early the last two mornings to hit some garage sales around Maricopa and hopefully find the necessary pieces. After yesterdays foray we ran into Chandler to the Costco and pick up some things we were running out of, and in addition to that bought a TV for the place. More on that later.

What with the slow internet and no TV we have sure been catching up on our sleep though. It seems that once it gets dark and we eat our dinner, nope no pictures this time Heather, we soon gravitate off to dreamland.

Today was another garage sale morning and this time Brenda did manage to find herself some bargoons, as our friend Rick calls them. We took both vehicles into Maricopa and after the morning garage saling we loaded our purchases into the Jeep and Brenda went off her way and I headed back into Chandler to find a mount for our satellite dish and drop in at the sale at Pacific Livestock there. I always enjoy listening to the chant of a good auctioneer and you never know when a deal will jump out at you. There was a little bit of tack that led off the sale and then there were going straight into the horses. Now I had a look at the horses offered there and figured that most of my winters feed would be needed to get most of those ponies into shape to carry me around so I left and they went home with somebody else.

As for the dish mount there were none to be found so I stopped by Home Depot and picked up some bits and pieces that would let us make our own. Then it was back to Dogpound South to get that all cemented in the ground and hooked up.

Well the mount is good, and the wiring is good but it appears something is not just right as we still have no TV here on the ranch. So I guess it will be an early night again tonight. What with all this beauty sleep I am getting maybe nobody will recognize me when I head back home at Christmas to see the family.

Tomorrow we are up early though and in the saddle as we are meeting some local folks to head out into the desert for a ride before the heat of the day. Maybe, just maybe I will get some pictures of that expedition.


  1. With all those "Wanted" posters your picture is on, nobody will have trouble recognizing you...

    Glad to see you're relaxing so much.
    I'd hate to see what it's like when you are busy! :c)

  2. Better watch out or Hollywood will be pounding on your door! :)
