Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Now it Can Rain

We got some bales put in the barn for the winter and a little for our friends from Drayton Valley and the rest has been tarped and once those stack covers are on, it is time for some welcome rain.



We still have some barley but that will probably go as silage so a little moisture will be good for it. Tuesday it started spitting at us but by evening it was a pretty steady drizzle and all day today it has been coming down. Not a torrential rain just a steady soaking rain that will replenish the soil moisture and give our trees and lawns a good drink. Not to mention our hay fields which now are growing back for winter pasture. We are planning on taking our saddle horses south with us but the pensioner pen here will be staying home and they like a good regrowth to paw out of the snow.


For all you Texans suffering through a drought that is one 24 hour period of rain.

Monday, once we got the hay put away we had ourselves a wiener roast with my son Matt and our granddaughter Madison. It was a beautiful evening for sitting around the campfire and visiting.


And watching the dogs play, although Mack is bigger, Meg still has a way of growling that tells him she is ready for him to quit.


And the sunsets on another day at Dogpound North.


  1. Beautiful pictures... your granddaughter is so cute ~ so is Brenda!!!
    Have fun & enjoy the day

  2. Always great when mother nature goes with the plan:) Growing up on a farm, the weather was a daily topic of discussion.

  3. nice photos Brenda! are most photogenic!!!

  4. So great that the rain came at just the right time. I love the photo of you and your granddaughter. Beautiful. All the photos of the haying are really lovely.

  5. What a great portait, John, and what a load of hay!!

  6. Lovely picture of your two lovely ladies. Granddaughters are special people and that's why it's so much fun to spoil them rotten (Who? Me?)

    Hope that the rain keeps coming now that the hay is put up. Don't want your beautiful countryside to end up like Texas!
