Sunday morning Ella was still on the job entertaining us until her folks came to relieve her and take her home to entertain them. She is pretty tough to look after, never cries, and is content to just hang out for the most part. We had a few long conversations and solved a lot of the worlds issues.

Sunday about noon we got on the road and headed north towards Fort St. John. We stopped for the night in Valleyview and gave my cousin Mike a call so we could meet for dinner. We had a nice visit with him but he was off to do the month end books at his Fountain Tire store and had a trailer full of horses that were anxious to get back home after a day of team roping.
Monday we resumed our trip north, with a stop in Grande Prairie at the Costco for some supplies. Looks like my steady diet of crackers and cheese is about to come to an end. With Brenda along we will probably be eating a few more regular meals and I am looking forward to it. But to come north with me Brenda had to leave Meg behind so she is keeping Montana company with Brenda’s friend Karen.
Tuesday we got a call from our son Matt, he is working on a well just north of Fort St. John 80 or 90 miles, and they were on casing break so he was coming into town. We decided to meet for supper, after watching all our friends in Texas running from restaurant to restaurant and chowing down on all those yummy appetizers every night we thought we should take some photo’s just to let folks know although we are missing the warmer weather we are not starving up here on the Northern Ranges. Brenda had the Indian Butter Chicken and although it came highly recommended by a lot of the other folks I have gone to this restaurant with, it was not to Brenda’s or my liking. Looked good though.
Now my Curried Seafood Pasta was pretty good.
Matt had the Steak Sandwich, real adventuresome there but it was pretty good from all accounts. The desserts now they were all top notch in fact they were so good they were gone long before we could get the camera working.