Now all you folks back home don’t go thinking we have fallen off our rocker and are coming home. Not likely, not when it is –30C out there, we prefer to watch that weather from afar anymore. Afar enough that our long john’s are a vaguely remembered memory, of course at my age a lot of things are becoming vaguely remembered. But there is an upside to that, even I am not sure if the story really happened like that or if I have added some important details in the telling of it over the years.
We are headed over west of Fort Worth, to the Cowtown RV Park, where we are meeting up with a group of friends who we first ran into in March of 2009. Although we haven’t seen some of them since then through the wonders of this blogging thing and Facebooking we have been following their lives in detail every step of the way. New grandchildren, new casitas, new rigs, and even new jobs for the more ambitious amongst them, it is all revealed in the pages of their journals. Seems as even though we only cross trails with these folks on rare occasions we are able to connect with a lot of the detail in their day to day lives so when we do get the opportunity to meet up it is as if we had never been apart. The internet has truly turned this world into a global neighbourhood.
Along the way we had to stop at the Blue Moon RV folks in Carrollton, Texas to have them look at our slide topper. It will need to be replaced and it is going to take a week or so to order it in. Well just happens we have a week to spare, so they are ordering it up and we will head back after this Cowtown South gathering and we will get it fixed up before we begin our meander through Texas and Louisiana again.
I have to make a comment on the trip across the north end of the Dallas/Fort Worth smozzle. There is a ton of construction going on, on the freeways here so the GPS is woefully inadequate when it comes to guiding you efficiently through the mess. At one time we found ourselves headed down the road in twelve lanes of traffic heading the wrong way, Needless to say we contributed to that smozzle when I spotted the U-Turn sign about 9 lanes away from us. But we made it across that nine lanes in short order once we hit the signal and spun the wheel to redirect that 65 or feet of metal hurtling through traffic toward the exit sign. So if anyone hears disparaging remarks about “Alberta” drivers down in this country you are probably listening to one of our victims. But we made the turn and headed back into the proper smozzle, and the rest of the trip was pretty uneventful. Oh by the way Smozzle is a highly technical traffic term that indicates there are very few folks on the road or the road planning organisations who have any idea what is going on or the implications of their actions.
Once got out of Fort Worth it was only a few minutes until we pulled into the site and caught our first sight of Joe and Sheri Pitman. Good to see old friends and even meet some new ones. Weldon and Sandy who are friends of Joe and Sherilyn were joining this little soirée also. After those initial hugs they left us to get our outfit setup, but soon we were all gathered around catching up on the latest goings on and enjoying the 25 C day. Just had to throw that in for you northern folks…lol. Not long after that Mark and Dortha pulled in with their two grandchildren Caden and Courtney. Sweet little tykes but soon Courtney’s Mom came along to reclaim her daughter before Brenda had a chance to hide them away in our motorhome. And then the Kendall’s, Rod and Deb, showed up. Now that is all we are expecting but there is always a chance that someone else is going to wander in.

Here are Weldon and Sandy and Joe and Sheri looking on with rapt attention as I probably tell them a story based in the absolute truth and lacking any embellishments at all. And we all know that any story that begins or ends with the phrase “No word of a lie” is guarantold ya to be God’s honest truth.

And these two little sweethearts definitely helped Brenda with her “grandchildren deficiency”

Mark and Joe looking on as I greet Rod, well Joe looking on and Mark looking at Rod’s new rig..

Mark and Dortha watching the goings on.
Seems like these gatherings are all about food, and this one is no exception. The girls threw together some appy’s to stave off starvation while we contemplated what and where we should eat supper. Once we got those appy’s done we decided that BBQ was in order. Well a few days ago I spoke of Brenda and my experience with BBQ so you know we were anxious to give it another chance. Mark directed us to a place called Spring Creek and they have reaffirmed our faith that BBQ is a cuisine we could become used to. I had the brisket and sausage special and they were both great. After getting our fill of BBQ and the fresh hot yeast rolls we headed back to our site where we sat around till late in the evening chewing the fat.

And what kind of gathering would it be without pictures of people eating.